
A part of the Chandrayaan-3 launch vehicle, the cryogenic upper stage, re-entered Earth’s atmosphere uncontrolled on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. The part fell into the Pacific Ocean.

Chandrayaan-3 Launch Vehicle Part Re-enters Earth’s Atmosphere


The cryogenic upper stage was the part of the launch vehicle that injected Chandrayaan-3 into its intended orbit on July 14, 2023. The stage was expected to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere within 25 years, but it re-entered uncontrolled on November 15, 2023.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said that the cause of the uncontrolled re-entry is still under investigation. The final ground track of the stage did not pass over India.

Cryogenic Upper Stage of Chandrayaan-3 Launch Vehicle

The uncontrolled re-entry of the Chandrayaan-3 launch vehicle is a significant event. It is the first time that a part of an Indian launch vehicle has re-entered Earth’s atmosphere uncontrolled.

The re-entry could pose a potential hazard to people and property on the ground. However, the probability of this is low. The stage is expected to have burned up completely in the atmosphere.


The uncontrolled re-entry of the Chandrayaan-3 launch vehicle is a reminder of the risks associated with space exploration. ISRO is investigating the cause of the re-entry to prevent future incidents.

Additional Information
  • The cryogenic upper stage of the Chandrayaan-3 launch vehicle is about 12 meters long and 3 meters in diameter. It weighs about 10 tons.
  • The stage was powered by a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen rocket engine.
  • The stage’s uncontrolled re-entry was tracked by ISRO and other space agencies.


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